halloweensteamΞ TREND

La oferta de Halloween ha comenzado en Steam

Halloween de vapor 2023

El 26 de octubre a las 20:00 hora de Moscú, comenzó en Steam un festival de terror llamado “Steam Scream: The Revenge”. El evento durará una semana, hasta el 2 de noviembre.

Como parte del festival, Steam ofrece juegos ya lanzados con grandes descuentos, así como versiones de demostración de próximos proyectos. La lista de juegos está representada principalmente por juegos de terror, shooters y simuladores de supervivencia, en los que aparecen vampiros, zombies y otras criaturas sobrenaturales.

Además de los descuentos en algunos juegos, Steam también ofrece una recompensa diaria gratuita (una pegatina temática) en la página principal del festival.

dedicated individual with a profound passion for technology and gaming. He pursued his studies in Computer Engineering at Montgomery, honing his technical skills and knowledge. From his early education at Dollard College, where he completed his VMBO, to the present day, Martin has been immersed in the captivating world of gaming since 1992. Embracing his passion, he has embarked on a freelance career as a technology and gaming writer and editor. Through his insightful content, Martin shares his expertise and experiences with others, offering a unique perspective on the ever-evolving landscape of technology. His unwavering dedication fuels his pursuit of staying at the forefront of the digital realm.